Spanish 21 Tips

Spanish 21 Strategy. You use some of the same strategy rules in Spanish 21 as regular blackjack, so a standard blackjack strategy is an excellent way to start. For instance, you double down on 11 and split A-A or 8-8 on the initial deal of either variation. Looking for the best way to learn Spanish? Find time and motivation! Some useful tips from online Spanish tutors on how to learn Spanish fast and easily. The basic Spanish 21 strategy was described by Mr. Snyder in his book ( The Big Book of Blackjack ); he had made an attempt to explain its main aspects for average players to understand it and introduced 15 basic steps to do during the game. Do not take insurance. Double down if you have a hand of 11. Double down if you have a hand of Ace + 5,6,7.

  1. Spanish 21 Tips Book
  2. Spanish 21 Tips Cheat
  3. Spanish 21 Tips Free

Faced with so many easily available or instantly downloadable online tools, it can be hard to decide which is the best way to learn Spanish. It’s so tempting to keep trying different apps and the more you do, the more ‘exclusive offers’ you get in your inbox or on your social media feeds. The problem with constantly changing what you do to learn Spanish is that it lacks consistency in approach and you can find you spend more time scrolling through apps than you do on actually learning the language!!

So we’ve put together a list of some of the top tips on how to learn Spanish online in the quickest and best way.

“I want to learn a foreign language but I can never find the time”. That’s a phrase I’m sure you’ve all said – or at least thought at some point.

Let’s change that andlet’s get you motivated!! Let’s learn Spanish!!

Being properly motivated is the first thing to get you learning a language. And to do that you need a strategy. You need to know how you’re going to immerse yourself in the Spanish language. There are plenty of easy ways to do that and we’ll look at those a little later.

Where can I take Spanish classes online? It is the best way to learn Spanish?


Online Spanish classes put you in control of your learning. You don’t need to be in a certain place at a certain time. Your timetable can fit around other commitments such as work or family and you don’t need to brave the weather or the traffic to learn. At Lonet.Academy you’ll find a wealth of online Spanish tutors from Spanish-speaking countries all around the world. Whatever you’re current level of Spanish and however you learn best, you’ll find a tutor that works for you. But finding online Spanish classes alone is not, in itself, the best way to learn Spanish.Learning from a professional Spanish tutor is a good first step, but what will really help you to quickly improve your Spanish is what you do between classes to build on what you’re learn from your tutor.

How long does it take to learn Spanish?

The answer is that it depends on so many factors; your existing knowledge of Spanish, how much time you have to devote to it, how you weave language learning into daily life, and much more. But there is no doubt that finding an online Spanish tutor is the first step on your journey. But as the second most widely-spoken language in the world, learning Spanish opens tons of opportunity for travel and work, especially if you’re looking for a job in a multinational company or international business. So, it’s worth finding a method that suits you and committing to a learning strategy.

How hard are online Spanish classes?

Many people remember the boring book-heavy approach to language learning that they were subjected to at school, and this can put them off as they fail to grasp how learning a language can be enjoyable and rewarding. There’s no getting away from it, learning a language requires time and effort. But with the boom in smart tech, it’s become so easy to learn in a fun way without even setting foot in a Spanish-speaking country.

How do online Spanish classes work?

Online Spanish classes work in much the same way as any other form of face-to-face learning. Your tutor will guide you through a logical sequence of lessons to embed and build on your learning week by week. They’ll often give you tasks to complete between lessons and you’ll be gradually introduced to the structure of the language alongside practical words and phrases you might expect to use when visiting a Spanish-speaking country.

Here are 5 ways you can improve your Spanish daily “poco a poco” The best way to learn Spanish without stress

1. Learn Spanish with flashcards

Now here’s a time-honoured staple of learning. Making up colourful flashcards in any way you like not only helps you grasp key Spanish concepts, it also inspires creativity. Why not try making up a pile for food words? Or a pile for a particular verb tense? You could even make a neat display somewhere in your house. Having them close at hand means you can touch base with your Spanish learning regularly. Maybe pick one up every time you enter the house or whenever you make yourself a coffee. You’ll be surprised just how quickly your brain connects the images and words to cement your newly-learnt vocabulary.

Many professional language teachers and tutors use flashcards for teaching in the class. As mentioned earlier, taking private classes with an online Spanish speaking tutor will be beneficial. Remember, the secret to success lies in a combination of learning practices!

2. Listen to Spanish Music and learn Spanish through lyrics

SpanishHow to win in spanish 21

Music is a great resource as you often find informal phrases you’d never find in a grammar book. Top that with the variety of Spanish music (from salsa to reggaeton), and you have a fun route to understanding the language.

Even listening while you’re doing something else will help you train your ear. Why not download some Spanish music to your iPod to listen to at the gym or when you go for a run? Or you could tune into a Spanish radio station while you’re working or browsing online.

Personally, I like listening to the following singers (depending on my mood):

Alejandro Sanz;

Amaia Montero;



and some others …..

3. Spanish Language Exchange This could be one of the best ways to learn Spanish

This might be a hard sell if you’re a beginner. But it’s awesome once you know a few of the basics. Grabbing a drink or coffee with a mother-tongue Spanish speaker who’d like to improve their English is both fun and priceless practice. When learning a language, interaction is always the goal. That interaction gets tricky when you’re afraid of making mistakes. A language exchange takes away that fear, as your exchange partner not only expects it but corrects you too! It’s a sure-fire way to make friends too, so why not?


If you don’t feel like going out and finding a native Spanish speaker in your country, you can search online for Spanish tutors via Skype or Whatsapp. Or you can search for language sharing sites online which connect you with people around the world who want to learn English and help teach you Spanish.

All you need is a decent internet connection and a good mood :))

4. Set your phone/computer/Facebook in Spanish

We know that might sound frustrating, but what better way to grasp a language than using it like a native? Switching your phone, computer, Facebook, Twitter or whatever social network you usually use, into Spanish could teach you all kinds of vocabulary. You’ll feel lost at first, but it’s so rewarding when you get to the grips with the terms and start doing your thing in another language. Apple’s Siri is available in Spanish too. How’s that for another step up? If you’re feeling really brave, you could even set you sat nav to Spanish!

5. Apps to learn Spanish

With apps such as Duolingo, busuu, Babbel and Spanish Translator + on the market, there are plenty of ways to learn Spanish from the comfort of your sofa. They’re booming in popularity because they blend fun visuals and interactivity with real results. Learning becomes less of a chore and more of a game. And you can pick it up wherever and whenever you want.

They may lose the conversational aspect, but it helps you make light work of new vocab and grammar rules.

Want to learn Spanish fast, easy and fun? Book a trial lesson with one of our professional online tutors. They know the right way.

You have a chance to see how it works even before taking a trial lesson. You can watch the recorded Spanish language lesson and see the process: Spanish language lesson by Skype on Lonet.Academy.

Register here and go to your goals with our Spanish language tutors. Not sure about tutor or online classes? Book a free consultation!

Want to try, but have no idea how it works? Read “How It Works“.

Spanish 21 Tips Book

Read Lonet.Academy blog for more articles about how to learn languages:

Learn Spanish to get good job in international company!

Formula from Lonet.Academy on how to learn a language quickly.

Learn a language and see what happens in your life.

Spanish 21 Tips Cheat

Other articles about language learning in Lonet.Academy blog:

Spanish 21 Tips Free

And many others on